Character Description


There were 45 onboard on that plain, only 16 made it back. Their memory will be remembered in the hearts of the nation and people all over the world.

Here are few who stood out of the group.



Fernando Parrado (Nando) was born in December 9 1949 in Montevideo. His parents were Seler and Eugenia Parrado, he has two sisters, Susana and Graciela. He is the middle child. Nando as he is called graduated from Stella Maria college ( Montevideo) and played in a rugby team -Old christian club. he went to a business school after his father convinced him to do so. Nando had really no intrist at working at his dad hardwires store but he wanted to play out in the field, ruby , even had his eyes on racing car. Nando was 23 years old when the plain crashed, and that what kept him alive for 72 days was his strength to survive, hope and love for his father. he was athletic when they "landed" but nothing but skin and bones when he got rescued.  




Roberto Jorge Canessa Urta  born in January 17, 1953 Montevideo as Nando he graduated from Stella Maria college and played with the rugby team Old Christian club. Roberto was a 19 year old medical student when the plain crashed. He had a fiancee and mother that never left his mind while he was climbing these montais home. Nando discribes him as serious character, strong willed and intense. In 1994 Robert was candidate for president of Uruguay but only got 0.08% of the votes.







Carlos "Carlitos"PįezRodrķguez born in October 31 in 1953. He was called "the man with the iron spirit" He used to get them to pray with him in evening and night. Always believed that God was among them and looking out for them.







Marcelo Pérez Graduated from Stella Maria with the Old Christian rugby team, he was the captain. He took control in the Andes gave orders and kept the hope among the lads. Even though he survived the crash, unfortunately he did not in the avalanche two week later. He was 25 years old when he died.







Francisco "Panchito" Abal was 21 years old when they crasht that plain. He was Nando's best friend and closed to be his brothers. He graduated from Stella Maria, and played in the rugby team among the others and was considered one of Uruguay's finest rugby players, he worked with his family's tobacco business and chased girls with Nando in his free time.








Rafael Echavarren was 22 when the plain crashed, he was an agriculture student and a Montevideo rugby player who had many friends on the Old Christians team. Rafael had great wounds and after a month or os he succumbed to them and he was the only one who's body was removed from the Andes for a bural.

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